Onsite Sewage
The environmental staff is qualified to conduct site evaluations for residential and commercial sub-surface sewage disposal systems, provide technical assistance during installation, and perform final inspection of completed systems. Qualified environmentalists also perform existing system evaluations and provide recommendations for repair and upgrades.
Soil Evaluations and Septic Systems
a. Application: Click here. Name, address, phone number, number of bedrooms in home, garbage disposal, basement.
b. Drawing: Click here. House location, property lines, easements, utility/water lines, wells, sinkholes, proposed driveways, and any other items that may impact the location the septic system.
Septic System Installation
Final Approval of Septic System
Print a copy of this description here.
Environmental Fees
Soil Evaluation – $200
System Permit – $250
Existing System inspection – $100
Repair Permit – $100
Plumbing Inspector
Wednesday only
8:00 to 9:30 am
859-582-7273 ext. 149
KY Div of Plumbing – Online Permit