Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
Mercer/Anderson MRC Mission
The Mercer/Anderson MRC mission is to improve the health and safety of Mercer and Anderson Counties by organizing and training volunteers to assist in a public health emergency and by providing surge capacity to address public health challenges.
The Mercer/Anderson MRC unit is comprised of a variety of medical and non medical volunteers. Our local unit engages our volunteers by providing trainings, exercises, and health promotion events each year. Our MRC unit has a strong collaboration with local Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA), Emergency Management, Fire and Rescue, City police and the Sheriff’s department. We continue to focus on recruitment, health education and family preparedness in our community.
What is the MRC?
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is part of a nationwide initiative to pre-register, manage, and mobilize volunteers to help their communities respond to all types of disasters. MRC units also help to foster disaster preparedness on a local level and serve as Ambassadors to the Office of the United States Surgeon General in the implementation of the Surgeon General’s Health Initiatives. MRCs serve to unite local health professionals and other individuals with relevant health-related skills in their community. The structure of each MRC unit varies, depending on its own unique requirements and on the needs of the people and community that it serves and will aid the local, existing community emergency medical response systems. To obtain more information regarding a MRC program, or to locate a MRC unit in your area, you may access their website at
Who can volunteer?
Anyone can volunteer. An emphasis is currently being placed on the recruitment of licensed medical and healthcare volunteers that will satisfy clinical needs and provide surge capacity for public health emergencies. However, volunteers who do not have any medical training are welcomed and are encouraged to register. There will be a need for volunteers with all types of skills and expertise, such as those who are skilled in: interpretation (languages and hearing impaired); administration; transportation training; provision of day care; security; computers; clerical work; data entry; and construction. All volunteers are valued, even if you have no specific qualifications other than the willingness to help.
How many volunteers are needed?
The number of volunteers that will actually be needed will vary depending on the size and magnitude of the emergency event. A major emergency could overwhelm the capabilities of first responders, particularly during the first 12 to 72 hours. Medical and other health volunteers, as well as non-medical volunteers, would provide an important “surge” capacity during this critical period and supplement medical staff shortages at local medical and emergency facilities. Volunteers will play vital roles in bridging gaps, and enhance the overall capabilities of the community’s emergency response plans. There is also the chance a number of volunteers will have conflicts that will prevent them from volunteering at the time they are requested to help. A sufficient number of volunteers should be registered so each community will have enough volunteers when the need arises.
What is required for participation?
You must first register with the program. If and when activation becomes necessary, you will be contacted through the system and asked about your availability. All volunteers can accept or refuse a request for help. No matter what the extent of the need is, these are voluntary deployments and you are not required to participate.
Under what conditions will I be contacted to provide emergency services?
You may be contacted if local, regional, state and/or interstate responder resources are not sufficient to meet the need for response and recovery efforts resulting from a natural or man-made emergency.
FAQ Disclaimer
These FAQs are for informational purposes only. Nothing within these FAQs is meant to provide specific legal guidance or advice to any person. Rather, these FAQs are meant to serve as an assessment tool for individuals who are considering participation in the Volunteer Registry. Readers should consult with their own attorneys about these laws and their applicability to particular situations or organizations.
If you did not see your question in the list above or if you have a general question please contact us via email at [email protected]